
Thursday Jan 02, 2025

Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Another Road Home (S15 Episode13)
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Well, it is our final Sunday before Christmas and that means lots of great stuff for this Sunday. We are having a “Sweet Sunday” so we are hoping everyone might be willing to bring in some Christmas cookies or things of that nature. The kids will be presenting us with a Christmas pageant, which of course means a whole lot of chaotic cuteness. And then there is music and another Advent reflection on top of that.
For my part, I want to reflect on the Magi who are warned in a dream to return home by a different road. I find a deep resonance with this story, and I think you will as well.

Monday Dec 16, 2024
Angels Working Overtime (S15 Episode13)
Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
The Advent/Christmas season is upon us which means it is time for some stranger things. This fall we have been laser focused on the ethical aspects of the Jesus Path. For this season though, we are going to need to explore some seriously weird ideas. The Christmas story is so familiar to us, it is easy to miss that every aspect of the Christmas story includes a most quizzical character - angels. Why are they so prevalent in this part of Scripture?
Fair warning, this Sunday will be stranger than most. I will need to tell you some peculiar stories, like the one about the guy who stared me straight in the eye while claiming to have encountered a Sasquatch, or the hitchhiker prone to seizures, how on the side of an Ohio road I met an angel with alcohol on his breath, and of course the one time I was able to role play an angel in disguise. When you are trying to speak of the Jesus Path as a reasonable way of life, angels don’t get mentioned much. But sometimes the weird stuff is exactly what we need in times like these.

Monday Nov 25, 2024
Reaching Out in Solitude (S15 Episode12)
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Last week, we dared to face our loneliness.
We had a great follow-up discussion Tuesday night, sharing times when we have felt the most lonely, and we talked about what helps us feel less lonely. In the sermon this week, we’re considering how our loneliness can serve as a doorway into something that might not sound much better: Solitude. Even worse, the transition from loneliness to solitude is a difficult, challenging journey. So why would we even bother?
Great question. I encourage you to begin thinking about that - why would you bother? What could be so great about solitude? Why would anyone think that’s a good destination? What’s your relationship with loneliness? With solitude? How are they different?
Listen in as we explore the barriers and benefits, the practicalities and the potential of being “In Solitude”.

Monday Nov 18, 2024
The Lonely Road (S15 Episode11)
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
All humans journey with loneliness, experiencing it in varying degrees, at different times in our lives. We’re in this together. But most of us - all of us? - do NOT enjoy this feeling in any way, and why would we? Most of us usually do everything we can to avoid it. We even avoid talking about the “L” word, or admitting that we are lonely. This is quite reasonable of us, considering how deeply painful and isolating chronic loneliness is.
And yet…what if loneliness, as soul-sucking as it can be, can offer us something?
Could the Jesus path include loneliness in ways that are freeing and creative?
Could it even be a key to the Good Life?
I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we engage with scripture, research, statistics and a meme or two, along with some of my most (un)shining moments of connection and togetherness as we explore this possibility, and dare to face The Lonely Road.

Monday Nov 11, 2024
Enemies Everywhere (S15 Episode10)
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Well, this is a bit awkward after the week we have had. I didn’t plan it this way. Or maybe I did? I can’t remember now, but as we continue to pursue the flourishing life, we come to a bridge that may feel too far to pass. Jesus instructs us to “love our enemies.” Of all weeks to head there, this is the one? I am afraid so.
Mark Twain once quipped, “It ain’t the parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it’s the parts that I do understand.” That certainly rings true for where we are headed. But this teaching isn’t meant to bother us. Rather, Jesus’ teaching is about directing us to the good life. How in the world does loving enemies lead to flourishing? Well, let’s explore that together on Sunday.

Monday Nov 04, 2024
Of Crime & Punishment (S15 Episode9)
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Sometimes I feel as though I have the word ‘sucker’ written on my
forehead. Kristen likes to say I am every salesperson’s dream. I
haven’t met an upgrade or extended warranty I have passed on. I
can be easily taken advantage of. Which is why Jesus’ next
teaching about the Good Life initially feels a little disconcerting to
I am referring of course to the “turn the other cheek”
passage in the Sermon on the Mount. It starts with Jesus
referencing one of humanities oldest laws (the eye for eye bit) and
moves to not resisting evil people. The examples Jesus uses to
illustrate what this might look like involve getting slapped twice (at
least), finding yourself naked without any clothes, walking a lot,
and lending a lot of people money. On the surface, it sounds like a
recipe for people like me getting walked all over.
Ah, but naturally, there is whole lot more going on here. And
we are in for quite the ride. We will need to explore the earliest
human laws we have on record and why implementing those laws
still seems beyond us (think Ukraine and the Middle East). I will
need to tell you about the anxiety I experience when getting my oil
changed, my mission to stop Amazon thieves, and what to do
when an elderly couple backs into your car.
We also have plenty of stops to make within Scripture, from
what David did when he caught Saul using the bathroom, to a
question from the apostle Paul that I find to be both wise and hard
to swallow, and of course, why Jesus’ instructions here are not
only wise, but psychologically astute as well. If we can begin to
master what Jesus is getting at in this teaching, we will be well on
our way to the good and flourishing life.

Monday Oct 21, 2024
The Dandelion Dilemma (S15 Episode7)
Monday Oct 21, 2024
Monday Oct 21, 2024
The Sermon on the Mount offers us a vision of the “flourishing life.” At times, however, that means heading into uncomfortable territory, like, well, infidelity and lust. Sigh, I confess I am not overly excited to offer some thoughts about this one. So, we might as well just dive in.
In her revelatory book The State of Affairs, Esther Perel says this about infidelity. “Infidelity happens in good marriages, in bad marriages, and even when adultery is punishable by death. It happens in open relationships where extramarital sex is carefully negotiated beforehand. And the freedom to leave or divorce has not made cheating obsolete . . . Infidelity has a tenacity that marriage can only envy. So much so that it is the only sin that gets two commandments in the Bible, one for doing it and one just for thinking about it."
Ha, very true Esther. That is a great introduction to Jesus’ teaching on adultery and lust. So, I hope you will join us on Sunday as we head into some choppy waters. I trust it will be a worthwhile journey, and while the subject matter may be a bit heavy, there is still plenty of fun to be had along the way. From one of the greatest television shows of all time - LOST - to why I sense my neighbours are giving me the stink eye, I hope to explore this sensitive subject with thoughtfulness, compassion, and a touch of mirth.

Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Exploring Anger (S15 Episdoe6)
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Well, now that the dust has settled on our Anger Royal Rumble debate, it is time to dig into the emotion of anger. This Sunday we will explore the positives of anger, its dangers, and why we should maybe question some of the dogmas surrounding this complicated emotion. We have a lot of stops to make along the way: from my deviled egg debacle to the 18,000 angry people of Greenfield, Massachusetts, the psychological sophistication of Scripture when it comes to emotions, and of course, why being angry like Jesus is much more complex than we realize.
The intricacies of anger mean there is no "one size fits all" approach to the emotion. Given that, I want to conclude the sermon with my own personal convictions about anger, fully realizing that what may work or be "right" for me may not be so for others. I hope to see you Sunday for An Exploration of Anger.

Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Anger Royal Rumble Debate (S15 Episode5)
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Friends, it is time to mix things up a little this Sunday. You see, as Jesus heads into the meat of his Sermon on the Mount, first up is our inner worlds and what to do with an emotion like anger. We know, of course, that Jesus himself got angry on several occasions. And yet, here in the sermon, Jesus seems to strongly caution against being angry at all. For Jesus Path people, this can be a little confusing.
Now, there are various schools of thought around what to do with an emotion like anger. I could just describe them to you on Sunday, but that sounds a little boring. I think a better (and more fun) approach would be to just host a Royal Rumble debate on anger!
So, this Sunday morning after a brief introduction to the subject, you will be presented with six cases about anger from six very different people. Let me introduce you to our debaters. First up, we will have @AngryTwitterTina1234, followed by the Apostle Paul, then Brené Brown, Jordan Peterson, Ichiro Kishimi, and finally, the philosopher king himself, Marcus Aurelius, on behalf of the Stoics.
So, they make their case on anger, then we will discuss together which vision of anger we found most compelling. I hope this will set us up well for the weeks to come.