Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Do I Matter? (S13 Episode20)
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
The temptations of Jesus ask us to consider what kinds of serpentine side trails we are tempted to travel. This week I want to look at the Path of Despair, how we get lured onto it, and why it is such a dead end. Without a rival to compete with in life, so often our sense of feeling like we matter rests on our own sense of self-esteem. The problem is our self-esteem is like the weather, riding out changing highs and lows. We have a lot to unpack, and I am confident there will be plenty for us all to chew on.
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
The Nemesis Path (S13 Episode19)
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
The temptations of Jesus ask us to consider what kinds of serpentine side trails we are tempted to travel. This week I want to look at the Nemesis Path, how we get lured onto it and why it is such a dead end. To do that, we are going to take some cues from the life of Peter. It should be a fun week. In fact, I only discovered the name of this path when Glenn Pascoe introduced it to me. So, I thought it would be fun for him to come along on Sunday and share a story with us all. It is always a good time when Glenn brings a reading.
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Serpentine Side Trails (S13 Episode18)
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
As we continue to make our way on the Jesus Path, we come next to the desert terrain of Jesus' temptations. These temptations were calculated, cunning, and very real to Jesus. They were a challenge to his identity and mission. And so, as we travel the terrain of this portion of the trail, there is much to learn about the serpentine side trails we are often tempted to travel in life. For the next four Sundays, we will be making our way through this wilderness. This Sunday we begin by looking at what was so alluring about Jesus' temptations and why they often trip us up as well. I hope it will be a fun and thoughtful morning together.
Monday Jan 16, 2023
The Goat on the Cow (S13 Episode17)
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Friends, I have been looking forward to this one for a while. You see, there are some portions of the Jesus Path that are just wild and fun to me – and this is one of those weeks. It is time to dive into Jesus' baptism and how this event forms a way of life for us. To do that, I want to explore a series of four incredible stories that raise some tough to answer questions. So, come ready to put your thinking caps on, because I want to ask you what these stories mean—if they mean anything at all. How you respond to these stories will tell you a lot about how you see the world and will start to reveal to us the way God works and operates in the world.
Monday Jan 16, 2023
The Fortune Teller (S13 Episode16)
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Happy New Year all! 2023 is here and back on the Jesus Path we go. We spent part of Advent in the caves of Incarnation, learning to develop a relationship with land, our people, and especially those on the margins. Now it is time to really pull on our boots as we head out onto the path in earnest. But, before we start trekking, a reminder of the key ingredient on the Jesus Path and a healthy reminder for us all as we head into another year. To that end, we will be catching up with Jesus during a scene in the garden of Gethsemane, examining a painting whose moral lesson seemed lost on the museum that purchased it, looking into what happens when medical emergencies require morphine, and exploring what Paul Young refers to as "future tripping." I hope to see you Sunday for The Fortune Teller.
Monday Dec 19, 2022
O Little Town of Bethlehem (S13 Episode15)
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Week 4 of Advent and this Sunday I simply want to ask the question: where does God arrive? That Jesus was born in Bethlehem is of great significance and I think provides clues for helping us see where God arrives and is at work in our own lives. So, join me this Sunday as we explore what made the little town of Bethlehem a place of great contradictions.
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Inspirata Flourit (S13 Episode14)
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
I am looking forward to Sunday as we continue down the Path Called Compelling. This Sunday we will examine what it means to find an incarnational way of life via some clues we find from the particular tribe of people Jesus belonged to - the tribe of Judah. That means we get to listen in on what must have been the most awkward family reunion around Jacob's deathbed, the origin place of Israel's 12 tribes. It also means embracing a way of life that frees us from the burden of thinking we can be all things to all people. I am excited to share with you on Sunday.
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
The Mystery of Compulsion (S13 Episode11)
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Folks, this is our final week at the trailhead of The Path Called Compelling. Before we head out on the path, I want to spend this Sunday addressing three primary questions: first, why is it that the Jesus Path compels some but not others? Second, how do we know when we have encountered Jesus on the path? And finally, who is this path for? I hope it is a fun and meaningful morning for us all.
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Compelled > Converted (S13 Episode10)
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Back at the trailhead this Sunday, and let’s address some elephants in the room as we get this series going. Am I trying to convert you to Christianity with this series? That will take some unpacking as I try to explain to you why being compelled BY something will always be more powerful than being converted TO something.
So, lots of fun ground to cover. For instance, did Jesus come to end religion? Why does evangelism feel so insufferable? Why were early Christians accused of being cannibals? And how did I end up in a pair of extensively used underwear, sweating profusely in a yoga class?
Last week we talked about why we all need a path in life…this week is about how we all need a path that compels us, and how the Jesus Path promises the most compelling thing of all – life.
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
A Tactful Reduction of Options (S13 Episode9)
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Well friends, this is the Sunday we begin our journey onto A Path Called Compelling. I have been so excited to share this with you and the time is finally here. But let me give you a little background on why I feel so passionate about this series.
You see, you don't need to be a sociologist or have studied census data to know that Christianity in the West faces trying times. Young people are walking away from the faith, older congregations are just barely holding on, and any church that is managing to grow is doing so by transfer growth. Everyone knows that religious affiliation is in decline.
To make matters worse, the Christian faith, once looked upon by our culture with indifference, is now viewed with suspicion. In Canada alone, the Church has suffered from being a willing partner in our residential school system, clergy sex and power scandals, partisan politics, and resistance to COVID-19 safety measures. This new reality for the Christian faith in the US and Canada means trends in decline are not likely to reverse course anytime soon.
This strange new world for faith can provoke intense emotions among those trying to hang onto faith. There is fear and anxiety over Christianity's fate, and anger and resentment over how the Christian faith has been used to hurt others. There is also confusion about how to reimagine our faith for this time. We know that how we understand and live out our faith must change.
In previous generations, the Church sought to convert unbelievers through rational argumentation. Those efforts largely failed, and in the cultural milieu of suspicion and religious pluralism, no one wants to be converted, especially by losing an argument.
What I hope to do throughout the course of this series is offer a bold and new apologetic for the Christian faith. Rather than attempt to demonstrate how the Christian faith is right, what I hope to do is give us a stunning portrait of the Christian life that feels compelling. I want to help us discover a faith that feels more like an adventure, a way of life, or that road trip you have always wanted to take, because I am convinced that being compelled by something will always be more potent than being converted to something.
And so, this series is my attempt to offer a map, compass, and guide to help us navigate our way into a brighter and better future. I hope this series can help us recover faith from the shame and scandals of the Church. I hope it might be a rallying cry for a new generation of Jesus followers and a companion for weary travelers already on the path. So, from now until Easter, I hope to act the role of part expedition guide, part raconteur, part pastor, part seasoned park ranger, helping us get lost in stories and wisdom about a terrain and trail we thought we knew, but know we need to rediscover.